Tuesday, 21 August 2018



Hi loves! Today I was going through my closet and it got me ruminating on my relationship my with clothing and thought that I would try to quickly share some of my thoughts!


Clearing out my apartment in New York and moving back to England was bitter in many ways but sweet in the sense that I was able to rid myself of a number of items (clothing and otherwise) that I had essentially been hoarding for goodness knows how long. In order to do so, I conducted what I call a 'wardrobe audit', something that I think I've been subconsciously doing for a while but this one was with more insight. I like to think of a wardobe audit as taking the time out to really examine what's in your wardrobe, evaluating (a) what you actually wear on regular basis and (b) how you feel in that clothing. 


When evaluating what was not going to make the collection that I would bring back to England with me, I realized (with slight horror) that there were so many pieces that I had been keeping in there that either didn't fit anymore or that did fit and I felt uncomfortable in. Realizing that got me thinking -- why would I own anything that I didn't feel comfortable in? Why would I own something that didn't make me feel amazing and like my best self? Above I included a photo of one of my favourite outfits du jour - a Barbie pink Topshop sweater and my ultimate fave Sandy Liang skirt. I have to admit that I have been repeating this outfit a looooot recently because it makes me feel good! *insert Lizzie McGuire you are an outfit repeater!.gif* Which again got me thinking that this is how I should feel in every piece that I own.

So, in conclusion, the ethos that I am going to strive to live by when it comes to my wardrobe is to only keep and buy what I feel incredible in, and try to ethically discard what I don't! 


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